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Corporate Client


International tax planning , in compliance with national and international regulations , the MIRABOL FINANCE support customers to structure their business in the most effective and efficient way both for tax assistance and for corporate concern (corporate governance).


Legal aid in the various jurisdictions in which the customer operates through our lawyers or legal offices cooperating abroad. In the international process, a strategically important item is represented by the strong international contracts to defend the our clients in yours foreign relationship with international partners. MIRABOL FINANCE aid our clients to draw up their international contracts and in the event of litigation we offer them a high level of legal assistance through our correspondents in foreign offices operating in many jurisdictions.


Ndihma juridike në juridiksione të ndryshme në të cilat klienti operon përmes avokatëve tanë ose zyrave ligjore që bashkëpunojnë jashtë vendit. Në procesin ndërkombëtar, një cështje strategjiisht e rëndësishme përfaqësohet nga kontratat më të forta ndërkombëtare për të mbrojtur klientët tanë në marrëdhëniet e me partnerët ndërkombëtarë. Ne ndihmojmë klientët tanë të tërheqin kontratat e tyre ndërkombëtare dhe në ngjarje gjyqësore ne u ofrojmë atyre një nivel të lartë ndihmese juridike përmes korrespondentëve në zyrat të cilat ndodhen jashtë shtetit që operojnë në shumë juridiksione.


Advice for the creation of corporate governance necessary to the client for the management and development of his business in more than 15 jurisdictions worldwide. We aid our clients in setting up companies, joint ventures, in negotiation and drafting of shareholders' agreements or commercial agreements. We assist our clients in all aspects of corporate life through the drafting of statutes and contracts, including the preparation of all necessary corporate documents.


Concerning the consultancy, research and identification of financial instruments made available by the international financial system (SICAV - Fund - PIF - SIF , etc.) to finance business (Corporate Finance) or to better the administration of their personal assets (assets management). In paticular, we aid our clients in the search and monetization of BG banking and/or bank or collateral sureties to support their business. We aid our customers in their banking relationships by introducing them in the main and major international banks, with whom we have established consulting relationships. We assist customers to open bank accounts for their companies in the jurisdictions in which they operate, through established relationships with these banks god advice.


In partnership with its specialized international financial partners, MIRABOL FINANCE allows its clients to derive a financial income using assets such as real estate, artwork and intellectual property, without risking their ownership and maintaining their availability, through the securitization.


Advice concerning the optimization of purchase and sale procedures of commercial properties.


Advising clients in all phases of the sale of their business , corporate and tax " due diligence ", assessment of the price of sale, looking for investors interested in buying the business , assistance in negotiation and drafting of contracts of sale.


Proper legal possession of the intellectual and industrial property allows its holder to maximize the economic benefits of royalties. “MIRABOL FINANCE” is specialized in this issue and we will aid customers to identify the best solution for these their economic assets.

Private Client


The advice is aimed at people of all nationalities who wish to protect their legitimate assets from possible attacks by third parties. The reasons for assets protection are various, among them the most important are: - Protection of entrepreneur’s personal assets in case of difficulty of the enterprise management; - Assets management, according to defined criteria, in case of inheritance and / or transfer of title between generations; - Matrimonial & Family Law: protection of the assets of a spouse or of the whole family. The goal of protecting their assets is possible through the legal instruments recognized by the Country of residence of our customers. These tools are able to preserve the integrity of assets from the attacks by third parties, but at the same time they provide protection for the privacy, even as banking secrecy.The suggested alternatives ensure both the protection of the heritage that the tax savings in full observance of the laws.


Advising clients in all phases of the sale of their business , corporate and tax " due diligence ", assessment of the price of sale, looking for investors interested in buying the business , assistance in negotiation and drafting of contracts of sale.


Legal advice for the management of the client's assets also to direct the destination post-mortem


Legal/tax advice for the optimization of real estate purchase or sale. Our partnerships allow us to assist our clients in looking for a residence both in his own country and abroad, in its evaluation and the identification of possible buyers in international markets.


Advising clients in the selection and in the procedures for the acquisition of residence in a foreign country.